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  • Teams will take turns answering questions based on all six assigned books.

  • Teams will have 15 seconds to respond.

  • Use of notes and books is not allowed.

  • A team may pass if they do not know the answer and another team will have the opportunity to answer the question.

  • Each team will have the opportunity to answer a minimum of 15 questions.

  • The team with the most points will be declared the winner.

  • The award for each first place team is 30 pts. and books as prizes.



●  Each team will have the opportunity to respond to a prompt which will ask them to deal with a specific aspect of one book or a point of comparison or contrast in more than one book.

●  Each team will have 5 minutes to prepare and three to five minutes for their presentation.

●  Each member of the team should contribute to the discussion.

●  The discussion will be evaluated by a moderator, using a rubric.

●  The team with the most points will be declared the winner.

●  The award for each first place team is 30 pts. and books as prizes.



●  All teams will conduct a lively 4-5 minute segment of a talk show.

●  Each team will be assigned a character who will serve as the host. That character will establish the theme of the talk show.

●  Remaining team members must assume the roles of other characters, each from a different book.

●  Prior to show time, teams will have five minutes to plan.

●  Teams may not use props, books or notes to prepare or present.

●  The show will be evaluated by a moderator, using a rubric.

●  The award for each first place team is 30 pts. and books as prizes.

  • Each team will be challenged to answer 40 - 50 trivia questions (in writing) in 15 minutes as an exit activity at the end of the day. These questions will be based on all assigned readings.

  • Teams will receive one point for each correct answer. Note: Only 15 minutes is permitted and must be carefully timed by the school Moderator.

  • Therefore, all trivia materials must be turned in by the school no later than 25 minutes after the activity is scheduled to start.

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